Location: Rawah Wilderness,
north-central Colorado.
Maps: USGS 7.5' Quad: Rawah
Lakes; Trails Illustrated 1:40K: Cameron Pass #112
Access: From Ted's Place
at the entrance to Poudre Canyon, drive about 53 miles west on HWY 14 to
the Laramie River Rd, 2 miles west of the Big South TH. Go north for about
11 miles to the Rawah TH.
Fees: None
Trails: 7 miles one way.
2100ft elevation gain. Trail begins and ends in forest.
Weather: Current
and recent conditions Local
and I backpacked to Lost Lake one rainy weekend in September just before
he moved to New York. Frank joined us, of course. Lost Lake is a common
name in the mountains of Colorado, but this Lost Lake was more lost than
most. It lies near 11,000 ft in the Rawah Wilderness northeast of
Blue Lake, 7 miles from a dirt road that leads off of Highway 14 some 10
miles. As we got out of the car at the trailhead, a very large retriever
came up to Frankie and attempted to mount him. Frank responded with a viscious
snarl and nip to the face of the offender. That's the only time Frank has
ever bitten anybody. I couldn't blame him for reacting. The dog backed
off. The sun was shining when we hiked in, but as we neared the lake, the
rain began to fall, and we erected the tent just before a downpour. Later
in the afternoon we emerged to find everything soggy and wet. The
mosquitos came to feast on our flesh, and did so despite our valiant efforts
to destroy as many as possible. We walked around Lost Lake, which is a
very small pool of water collected in a swampy depression. One finds it
difficult to approach the lake from two sides because it is so boggy. We
camped about 100 feet from the lake's shores. As dusk approached, we gathered
a large cache of firewood and cooked dinner. We built the fire in a shallow
pit between a large boulder that also served as our kitchen, and a lump
of earth with a dead tree protruding upwards. After dinner we sat by the
warm blazing fire and dried our boots and socks. Frankie's sweater
caught on fire while drying, but was quickly extinguished, though it bears
a red scorch to this day. Frank got wet and then got very cold, so I held
him close to the fire since he was afraid to get near it on his own. He
was so tired that he twice crept into the tent to sleep before we did.
We stayed up late into the night by the fire, entranced by its mesmerizing
dance and flicker. The spot we built it in served well, as the heat stayed
in the depression we were in and made it very comfortable. The moon
rose around 11 PM, and shortly after, we let the fire die down to glowing
red embers, smoking in the chill night air. The next morning it was still
grey and rainy, so the pictures I managed to take of the lake are not good.
The trip back to the car went nicely, and I was lucky to spot the forest
rangers far enough in advance so that I could leash Frankie and avoid a
fine. Upon further examination of the map, I concluded that in fact we
never even made it to the lake, but instead camped next to an insignificant
pool of water downstream. A high priority is to go back and get to the
real lake.
Page created 12-16-99
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